Arming/Turning On the Alarm System

To fully arm the alarm system:

  1. Press the button below the Lock icon.

  2. Present your key fob.

  3. Press the checkmark button to arm all areas.

  4. The system displays the Armed message.


To arm only certain areas:

  1. Press the button below the Lock icon.

  2. Present your key fob.

  3. Press the X button to select the areas to arm.

  4. Each individual area and its status is displayed.

  5. Press the checkmark button to arm the displayed area.

  6. Press the button below the down arrow icon to skip an area and leave the alarm off in that area.

  7. Press the button below the Escape icon to return to the Arm menu.

  8. Press the button below the Exit icon exit.

  9. The system displays the Armed or Partly Armed message.